

Thinking Styles思维风格

1. All or Nothing Thinking: You see things in either black or white categories. It is polarized thinking.

Example: I am a total failure.



2. Overgeneralization: You can take a single negative event and believe it is something that will happen.

Example: I was rejected by this one person and everyone will reject me.



3. Emotional Reasoning: You reason with your emotions. You assume that your emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are. I feel therefore I am.

Example: I feel terrified I will make a mistake. I will not try. I am frozen.



4. Magnification/Catastrophizing: You exaggerate the importance of your problems and shortcomings, or you minimize the importance of your desirable qualities. You expect the worst possible outcome.

Example: I am going to have a bad day today. I just know it! Disaster is around the corner.

过分夸大/灾难化:你夸大了你的问题和缺点的重要性,或者你低估了你想要的品质的重要性。 你期待可能发生的最糟糕的结果。


5. Focusing on the Negative/Mental Filter: You pick out a single negative detail and dwell on it exclusively, disregarding all positives.

Example: You receive many positive comments, but one person says something mildly critical. You obsess about the negative reaction for days and ignore all positive feedback.



6. Minimization/Denial: You insist that you don’t feel hurt, angry, depressed when you really do and you may minimize the positive feelings that you do have.

Example: You received a compliment;“I did not deserve it.”

Drinking behavior of denial: “It does not impact me or others that I drink as much as I want. I can

handle it.”


举例:你收到一句恭维时,认为“我不配”。 否认喝酒的行为:“我想喝多少就喝多少,这对我或其他人没有影响。我能应付。”

7. Jumping to Conclusion: You interpret things negatively when there are no facts to support your conclusion.

There are two examples of this thinking style.

Mind reading: Without checking it out you automatically think someone is reacting negatively to you. Example: That person seemed distracted while I am talking, so they must not care about what I am saying.”

Fortune telling: You predict that things will turn out badly. Example: “It won’t help to talk to anyone about my problems.”



读心术:没做调查就自动认为有人对你的反应是消极的。 举例:我说话的时候,那个人似乎心不在焉,所以他们不在意我说的话。

算命:你预测事情会变糟。 举例:和任何人谈论我的问题都不会有帮助。

8. Should Statements: You tell yourself that things should be the way you hoped or expected them to be. It has to be this way.

Should statements directed at you create guilt and depressed feelings. Example: I should not have to need help.

Should statements directed at others create anger, frustration, resentment and depression. Example: You should be able to do this without asking or needing help.



应该的陈述使别人的产生愤怒、沮丧、怨恨和抑郁。 举例:你应该在不问别人或没人帮助下能够做到这一点。

9. Discounting the Positive: You reject positive experiences by insisting “they don’t count” for some reason or another. This can take the joy of life and make you feel inadequate and unrewarded.

Example: I received a compliment but I didn’t really deserve it.”



10. Personalization and Blame: You see yourself as the cause of any negative event.

Example: It is my fault that happened. If something goes wrong, it is because of me.

个体化和责备: 把自己看成是任何负面事件的起因。


11. Blaming the Situation: You see others or the situation as the cause of your behavior or mood that isn’t entirely in your control. You blame anything or anyone for what you did or said.

Example: If you would have been there you would have done the same thing. I was provoked.



12. Entitlement: You insist you deserve to get what you want regardless of the situation or cost to others or self.

Example: I deserve to feel good so I will gamble a lot. It does not matter. I need to escape.









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